Recent Additions
PLAY God's Promise to David
by Gary Whiting
PLAY God's Promises in the OT
by David Evans
PLAY Divine things to understand (2) The Angels and their work
by Colin Dryland
PLAY Why does God allow suffering
by Martin Southgate
PLAY Jesus - in God's mind from the beginning
by Clifford Wharton
PLAY The Bible and the Middle East Crisis . Israel's history to 1900
by David Evans
PLAY The Bible and the Middle East Crisis - Why does Israel exist today?
by John Lowe
PLAY The Bible and the Middle East Crisis - Prophecies of the last days
by Justin Giles
The Bible
PLAY The Bible - What is it?
by Justin Giles
PLAY The New Testament
by Martin Southgate
PLAY Reading and understanding the Bible
by Simon Boyd
PLAY The God of the Bible
by John Lowe
PLAY The Story of the Bible - Adam and Eve
by Ian Giles
PLAY The Story of the Bible - Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
by Roland Tremaine
PLAY The Story of the Bible - Joseph's story
by Kelvin Giles
PLAY The Story of the Bible - Moses
by Gary Whiting
PLAY The God of the Bible - The kings of Israel - David
by David Evans
PLAY The Story of the Bible - Jesus Christ
by Clifford Wharton
PLAY The Story of the Bible - The Apostle Paul
by Tim Gray
PLAY The Story of the Bible - Revelation
by Mark Hamilton
PLAY What is the Bible?
by Malcolm Skinner
PLAY The Bible is unique - The Jews, the people of the book
by Jonathan Mitchell
PLAY Bible truth - The history of the Jews
by Colin Staffell
PLAY Bible truth - Archaeological evidence
by Justin Giles
PLAY Bible Truth - Bible prophecies
by John Lowe
PLAY Bible Truth - Jesus in the Old Testament
by Randy Stead
PLAY David and God's promise to him
by Mark Hamilton
PLAY God's promise to Mary
by Dan Giles
PLAY Jesus is coming again
by Jonathan Rowland
PLAY Promise to Abraham
by Simon Boyd
PLAY Promise to David
by Gary Whiting
PLAY Promises in the Old Testament
by David Evans
PLAY Promises in the New Testament
by Mark Hamilton
PLAY Daniel & Nebuchadnezzar's image
by Peter Webb
PLAY Gog's invasion of Israel
by Brian Condlyff-Morse-Gover
PLAY The Mount Olivet Prophecy
by John Carpenter
PLAY Bible prophecy about the last days - God's intervention
by Dan Giles
PLAY Bible prophecy about the last days - The return of Jesus Christ: what it will mean to the world
by Simon Perfitt
PLAY The Jews and the Middle East crisis
by Justin Giles
PLAY "As it was in the days of Noah" - Signs of Christ's coming
by John Lowe
Basic Bible Teaching
PLAY Bible Teaching on Baptism
by Rowland Tremaine
PLAY Bible teaching on Christian morality
by Justin Giles
PLAY Marriage
by Justin Giles
PLAY Why do we die and what happens when we die?
by Peter Web
PLAY Why should we be baptised?
by Richard Perfitt
PLAY What is the devil and satan?
by Graham Lake
PLAY A new life in Christ
by Graham Lake
PLAY Does it matter what we believe?
by Stephen Bonner
PLAY Faith in Christ - How to obtain it.
by Duncan Southgate
The Gospel
PLAY The Gospel revealed to Abraham
by Justin Giles
PLAY The Gospel taught by Jesus
by John Lowe
PLAY The Gospel of the Kingdom of God - Jesus the sim-breaker
by Alan Wharton
PLAY The Gospel of the Kingdom of God - Preaching by Jesus and the Apostles
by Kelvin Giles
PLAY The Gospel of the Kingdom of God - Jesus to be King of the world
by John Lowe
Bible Discussions
PLAY Moses
Panel Discussion
Important Bible Events
PLAY Anticipating the second coming of Jesus
by Mark Hamilton
Jesus Christ
PLAY Jesus Christ our saviour - Signs of his second coming
by Mark Hamilton
PLAY Jesus Christ our Saviour - His role to take away sin
by Clifford Wharton
PLAY How Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law of Moses
by Dan Giles
PLAY Jesus Christ - Saviour of the world
by Justin Giles
PLAY The second coming of Christ
by Mark Hamilton
PLAY Believing in Jesus - Real belief, repentance & baptism
by Dan Giles
PLAY Who is this Jesus? - Discussion
by Dan Giles, Simon Perfitt & Justin Giles